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A Look at Trends in Roofing across Surrey - Clay Tiles Still Popular

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Date Posted: Jul. 29, 2016

Concrete tiles are by far and away the most popular type of roof covering in the UK today, with about 60% of structures using it, especially on new builds.

For many of the companies who specialise in roofing across Surrey, the maintenance, repair or replacement of clay tiled roofs make up a large proportion of their business.

clay tiles

Getting Professional Help

Of all enquiries regarding problems with clay tiled roofs, the build up of moss is one of the most common, and is a favourite used by cowboy roofers who knock doors, and suggest the moss buildup can cause serious damage to the roof if it's not removed.

Don't be taken in, no ethical professional roofing company will cold canvas properties for any reason. If you have any cause to believe you have a problem with your clay tiled roof, contact a firm that specialises in roofing in Croydon or the surrounding areas, such as Brunwin Professional Roofing Services Ltd..

The Problem about Moss

Moss is highly unlikely to cause any major problems, unless it has built up over the years to a level where it actually affects the runoff of rainwater to guttering and valleys. That said, it does become unsightly, and many prefer to have the roof clean and free of moss build up. Many roofing companies in the Surrey area will professionally remove moss buildup, and clean valleys and guttering while surveying the integrity of the whole roof for you.

Eventually, often 90 to 100 years after they were first laid on the roof, clay tiles, like all others, will begin to give problems. Frost damage, and the tiles becoming porous or splitting, allows moisture into the loft area, and damp patches or mould begin to appear on ceilings and walls.

It may mean that just certain areas or the roof need stripping and relaying, or it may mean the whole roof needs stripping, re-felting and retiling. In either case, if required, a company specialising in roofing across Surrey will retain the still serviceable tiles, and mix them with the replacement ones.

Still Trendy

Thankfully, for those who need a complete new roof, small clay tiles and clay pantiles are still available. Specialist companies still produce clay tiles by hand, and most salvage companies carry extensive stocks of reclaimed tiles which have been rigorously checked to ensure they are fully serviceable.

Whatever your requirements, using a firm that specialises in clay tile roofing across Surrey, will ensure your clay tiled roof gives many years of trouble-free service.


A Brief History in Tiles. Roofapedia.

Are You Worried About Moss on Your Roof? NFRC.